配电箱箱体冷弯成型设备的核心部件是轧辊模具,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司在轧辊制造方面,先由技术部进行专业的设计,经过严格审核后流转到生产部加工,我们采用的材料材质都是非常优质的,为**轧辊的 使用寿命,我们有着严格有序的加工流程,虽然繁琐一些,但是能够让客户用着放心舒心,一切也是值得的。具体的轧辊加工流程这里不便详细说明,您有兴趣的话可以找我们了解一下。
The core part of the cold - bending forming equipment of the box body of the distribution box is a roller mould , and the WeiFang Aoteng Cold Bending chine Co . , Ltd . is designed by the technical department before the roller nufacturing . The terial terials adopted are very high quality . In order to guarantee the service life of the roller , we he a strict and orderly processing flow .
Hydraulic cutting of equipment, autotic bending mechani:
The mechani consists of a cutting head , a cutting , a bending tool , an oil cylinder , a hydraulic station and the like , is autotically bent on line , can finish the section cutting and section bending of 250KN punching shear force , and cuts and bends the terial to be Cr12 , and the quenching hardness HRC58 - 62 .