管道抗震支架成型机_**立体车库波浪板加工设备_潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司 实用新型抗震支架冷弯成型设备生产厂商-潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司。公司自1998年开始从事冷弯成型设备的研发、制造。2003年正式挂牌营业,目前公司拥有高级工程师8名,专业工程师10名,强大的技术团队通过不断的研发、创新,目前已经为多个行业解决了型材加工成本高的难题。为适应市场需求,公司凭借丰富的设计经验目前研发的抗震支架设备已经达到成熟应用的状态。 The utility model seismic support roll forming equipment manufacturers - Weifang aoteng Cold Bending Machinery Co. Ltd.. The company began to develop in cold forming equipment since 1998, making.2003 officially open, the company currently has 8 senior engineers, 10 professional engineers, strong technical team through continuous research and development, and currently has more than hearing, an industry to solve the problem of high cost profile processing. In order to meet the market demand, the company with rich experience in the design of seismic support equipment at present research has reached the mature application state. 1.生产速度0—20米/min 可调 2.通过简单调整即能满足多种规格抗震支架型材的轧制 3.轧制厚度:2-2.5mm 4.型材切断开口回弹量≤0.5mm 出厂配置抗震支架规格:41.3×41.3;41.3×52;41.3×62;41.3×72(规格可增加) .潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司|||管道抗震支架成型机_**立体车库波浪板加工设备_潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司