抗震支架冷弯成型机厂家_食槽_潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司 实用新型抗震支架冷弯成型设备生产厂商-潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司。公司自1998年开始从事冷弯成型设备的研发、制造。2003年正式挂牌营业,目前公司拥有高级工程师8名,专业工程师10名,强大的技术团队通过不断的研发、创新,目前已经为多个行业解决了型材加工成本高的难题。为适应市场需求,公司凭借丰富的设计经验目前研发的抗震支架设备已经达到成熟应用的状态。 The utility model seismic support roll forming equipment manufacturers - Weifang aoteng Cold Bending Machinery Co. Ltd.. The company began to develop in cold forming equipment since 1998, making.2003 officially open, the company currently has 8 senior engineers, 10 professional engineers, strong technical team through continuous research and development, and currently has more than hearing, an industry to solve the problem of high cost profile processing. In order to meet the market demand, the company with rich experience in the design of seismic support equipment at present research has reached the mature application state. 住房城乡建设部于2015年发布国家标准《建筑机电工程抗震设计规范》公告:批准《建筑机电工程抗震设计规范》为国家标准,编号为:GB 50981-2014,自2015年8月1日期实施。在此之前所有的建筑物基本没考虑机电抗震的设计,由此中国的建筑机电行业在抗震领域就有了国家标准,从而提高了机电系统的运行安全。潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司为满足客户需求,研发制造的抗震支架冷弯成型设备生产效率高,节约人工成本的优势,深受市场认可! 抗震支架冷弯成型设备工艺流程: 上料—板料校平—冲孔—冷弯成型—型材校直—测孔定尺—自动切断—卸料。 性能特点: 跟踪切断,实现不停机连续出料,采用牌坊式架构,机组运行更加稳定,自动化程度高,降低人工运营成本;整线PLC控制,变频调速,各运动部件协调一致,实现效率较大化;操作人员仅需1-2人接料即可; Technological process of cold forming equipment for anti-seismic support: Feeding - plate leveling punching cold forming - profile straightening - hole sizing - automatic cutting - unloading Performance characteristics: Tracking cut, realize non continuous discharge, the arch structure, operation of unit is more stable, high degree of automation, reduce operating costs; control the whole line, PLC frequency control, all moving parts coordinated to maximize efficiency; the operator is only 1-2 people can meet the material; .潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司///抗震支架冷弯成型机厂家_食槽_潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司